Magic Mushrooms – Basic information, Psychological & Physical Side Effects and Myths


Magic mushrooms have a long history related to spiritual experiences and self-discovery. Many people believe that the consumption of natural drugs such as mushrooms will allow them to obtain higher spiritual states. While, many people also want to experience a sense of connection, and euphoria when taking mushrooms.

Mushrooms are categorized as hallucinogenic drugs that can make people hear, see, and feel sensations that are not real. In fact, the effect of mushrooms is varied. Experts believe that the effects are influenced by environmental factors.

When you eat psychedelic mushrooms, in this case, magic mushrooms, your body converts psilocybin to psilocin. The process takes between 20 and 40 minutes, according to the journal Drug Metabolism Reviews.

Psilocin also influences the serotonin levels in your brain. Serotonin is a chemical that affects mood and perception. As the level of psilocin increases in your blood, the effect can be felt.

While to feel the effects of mushrooms, it may depend on how you consume them. In tea, it can be faster about 5 to 10 minutes after ingestion. In dried or fresh mushrooms, it will react in 30 minutes.

When people feel the effect of magic mushrooms, it means that the amount of psilocybin in their bloodstream gradually increases. Here are some common side effects that can occur:

Psychological Side Effects of Magic Mushrooms on the Body System:

When people feel the effect of magic mushrooms, it means that the amount of psilocybin in their bloodstream gradually increases. Here are some common side effects that can occur:

Physical Effects:

·         Sickness

·         Yawning

·         Muscle weaknesses

·         Headaches

·         Drowsiness

·         Dilated pupils

·         The physical discomfort of heaviness

·         Increased heart rate, blood pressure, temperature

Mental effects:

·         Nervousness

·         Panic

·         Paranoia

·         Visual or auditory hallucinations

·         Psychosis

·         Distorted sense of time, place, and reality

Myths about magic mushrooms

A series of myths related to mushrooms began to appear. People believe that magic mushrooms are safer and have a milder high than other hallucinogens.

In fact, mushrooms are more unpredictable in their effects compared to other drugs. They can create more intense and terrifying hallucinations.

While the different types of edible mushrooms stuffed on grocery shelves can be confusing to identify, Liberty Cap mushrooms have a distinct shape that can alert mushroom pickers.

Liberty cap mushrooms dried

Also called Magic Mushrooms, The Liberty Cap mushroom has become very popular among psychedelic users. The flesh of Liberty Cap mushrooms includes the psychoactive compounds of psilocybin.

The Liberty Cap mushroom is a treat and potentially deadly mushroom. The pointy-capped plant has its pros and cons. For more information on Liberty cap mushroom dried or if you are interested in buying it, please visit now.


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